Star Wars Font For Microsoft

There’s a few ‘Star Wars’ fonts available. All probably in breach of many copyright rules but apparently tolerated. An excellent collection is Star Jedi which has a good set of characters and link lines to emulate parts of the logo. Available here. There are block, hollow and outline versions of the font.

What is the star movies font?

There are quite a few names for the font of the Star Wars logo. One of the names is Star Jedi.

What font is Star Wars?

It is a Sci-Fi like font. It was made up by George Lucas. He calls it Aurebesh.

What is the font used in clone wars?

If you mean the font that we constantly see in the show such as on the screens and such, that is Aurebesh and it is the basic alphabet for English (which is called 'Basic' in the Star Wars universe)

What is the font that is used at the beginning of the Star Wars movies that flies of into the distance?

The flying effect actually doesn't have anything to do with the font. That's a movie effect, like how there's animation options in Microsoft PowerPoint. The font, though, has no real name because it has never really been released to the public by LucasArts. However, search 'starjedi+font' on Google and you can download the font; somebody else managed to create the font.

Star Wars Font For Windows

Where do you find the Star Wars movies on Lego Star Wars 3 the clone wars?


Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is an animated TV series. There are no actual movies on that. The closest you can get is Star War II, Attack of the Clones, but that still won't get you far.

What is the text name of the Star Wars logo?

There are many names to it depending on which text website you are on. The best website to go to and the name of the Star Wars logo font is Star Jedi.

What company is making Star Wars battlefront 3?

What are the original Star Wars books?

Star Wars isn't based on books so there aren't 'original books'. The closest thing that could be considered was the novelization of A New Hope called Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker in 1976.

Where is the storymode on Star Wars Battlefront 2?

How do you get landoc in Lego Star Wars 3 beta?

There is no Landoc in any Star Wars films, games, or books. The closest name to that I can think of is Lando Calrissian and the cheat for him is CLOUDCITYGAMBLER.

Where was Luke Skywalker's house in Star Wars?

If you mean the location in the Star Wars universe, the city it was closest to was Anchorhead. It's actual location on Tatooine was the Great Chott Salt Flat

What is the guild wars font?

It is a custom-made font just for usage for Guild Wars. It is unavailable for fansites.

How do you get the Lego city in Star Wars 2 ds version?

im afraid there is no Lego city in Lego star wars 2 ds. the closest thing to a Lego city in lgo star wars 2 ds, is the sandbox which you can enter when you have got all the superkit parts.

What are all the Star Wars games?

There is Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Star Wars Racer Revenge, Star Wars Bounty Hunter, Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Starfighter, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Empire at War, Star Wars the Force Unleashed, Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Lightsaber Duals, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes…

How do you make a real repulser lift from Star Wars?

Right now such technology is impossible. The closest thing we have are hovercrafts.

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Unless you’ve just come back from the Dagobah system, you’ll know there’s a new Star Wars film coming soon.

Whether you’d like to join the Star Wars bandwagon or make fun of it, here’s how to get the famous look in Office.


There’s a few ‘Star Wars’ fonts available. All probably in breach of many copyright rules but apparently tolerated.

An excellent collection is Star Jedi which has a good set of characters and link lines to emulate parts of the logo. Available here. There are block, hollow and outline versions of the font.

A Logo shortcut, use the @ symbol in Star Jedi or Star Jedi Hollow to insert the logo in one swipe of your light sabre.

In the download ZIP are Word documents that explain all the characters available, including all the underlines and links. Make sure you install the matching fonts first, otherwise the document will look very weird. Hint: Copy symbols into your document is often the easiest way to get some of the special characters.


As usual, the fonts can be colorized to suit:


Use them in PowerPoint presentations. Start with a ‘star’ background then add some text or a title:

or perhaps more ominously …

Download Star Wars Font For Microsoft Word

Obviously, Star Wars, the logo and many other related things are the property of the Disney Corp and, originally, George Lucas.

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