Capital Lock Indicator Windows 10

FAQ & Answers

  • Hi,

    Go to Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Centre and then select Change how your keyboard works.

    Untick the check mark for Turn on Toggle keys. HTH.

    Please don't click 'Like' but click 'Yes' for 'Did this answer the question', if I resolve the problem.
  • I already turned the sound of. But how do I switch the visual indicater off?

    it's a big padlock symbol in the middle of my screen.

  • Sorry, I am running out of ideas, please wait for someone else to post any suggestions.

    Please don't click 'Like' but click 'Yes' for 'Did this answer the question', if I resolve the problem.
  • Accepted Answer

    go to

    C:Program filesAceracer quick accessimages

    rename the CapsLock_OFF CapsLock_ON NumLock_ON NumLock_OFF files on each of the numbered folder and the overlay will be gone

  • 0
  • I'm not an Acer employee.
  • 1. Click the start menu

    2. Type msconfig and run

    3. Locate 'Quick Access Service' and uncheck.

    4. Restart

    No need to rename files as a band-aid.

  • 1. Click the start menu

    2. Type msconfig and run

    3. Locate 'Quick Access Service' and uncheck.

    4. Restart

    No need to rename files as a band-aid.

  • can anyone tell me i cant play game its so irritating
  • go to

    C:Program filesAceracer quick accessimages

    rename the CapsLock_OFF CapsLock_ON NumLock_ON NumLock_OFF files on each of the numbered folder and the overlay will be gone

  • 0
  • go to

    C:Program filesAceracer quick accessimages

    rename the CapsLock_OFF CapsLock_ON NumLock_ON NumLock_OFF files on each of the numbered folder and the overlay will be gone

    Oh my gosh THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This works PERFECTLY for me and I love it. THANKS! *Now if only I could get rid of that pesky System32 virus...*
  • @BJAY The renaming worked once before for me. This time I deleted those numbered folders and emptied my Recycle Bin. It is gone for me, now.
  • edited July 2018
    I just went to 'C:Program filesAceracer quick accessimages' and renamed the 'images' folder to 'images2'. The entire annoying overlay system is disabled, and the process is non-destructive. This way if I did want the overlay back (which I don't) I just rename the 'images2' folder back to 'images'
  • Many of the solutions mentioned above will work and fix the problem but they might be a little troublesome as you may want that feature enabled in the future and deleting system files might not be good for you.
    I have a better solution. I have tried this only on Windows 10 so if you're looking for a solution for some other version of Windows then it might not work, but give it a try anyways.
    1. Click on start button and open 'Task scheduler'.
    2. If not already expanded then expand Active Tasks.
    3. Locate Quick Access and double click it.
    4. On the next screen that appears, select Quick Access.
    5. In the right pane under Selected item, click 'disable'.
    This will prevent QALauncher.exe from starting automatically every-time a user logs in.
    If anytime in the future you want to re-activate it follow the steps below.

    Case 1:

    1. Click on start button and open 'Task scheduler'.
    2. On the left pane, go to Task Scheduler Library.
    3. Locate Quick Access and select it. (If you can't find Quick Access goto Case 2)
    4. In the right pane under Selected item 'enable'.

    Case 2:

    if you can't find Quick Access in the Task Scheduler Library then you will have to manually create a task.
    Follow the steps below:
    1. In the task scheduler on the right pane, click on 'Create Task...'
    2. In the Text box next to Name enter Quick Access.
      In the Description enter This task is for Quick Access.
      Under Security options click on Change User or Group... , in the dialog box that appears enter 'users' and then click on Check names buttons. Then Click on OK.
      Next to Configure for label choose 'Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2'
    3. Now go to the Triggerstab click on New... button, then next to the Begin the task label choose At log on from the drop-down menu.
      Under settings select Any User, then click onOK.
    4. Under Actions tab click onNew... button. Next to Actions label from the drop down menu select Start a program.
      In setting below Program/Script click on browse button then go to C:Program FilesAcerAcer Quick Access and select QALauncher.exe click on Open then Click on OK. (If you can't find it then go to Case 3)
    5. In the Conditions Tab Uncheck everything.
    6. In the Settings Tab uncheck the 4th checkbox that says 'Stop the task if it runs longer than'
      In the last drop down below 'If the task is already running, then the following rule applies:' Select'Run a new instance in parallel'
    7. Click on OK

    Case 3:

    If you can't locate C:Program FilesAcerAcer Quick AccessQALauncher.exe then you need to install Acer Quick Access. Go to the Official Acer website at the bottom under Resources there is a link to Software, click on it. On the next page Under Windows click on Discover more. On the next page you'll find the link to download Acer Quick Access. Just install it no further steps will be needed. I have provided a direct link to the download page too
  • go to

    C:Program filesAceracer quick accessimages

    rename the CapsLock_OFF CapsLock_ON NumLock_ON NumLock_OFF files on each of the numbered folder and the overlay will be gone


Enable Caps Lock Indicator or Notification in Windows 10/8.1/8/7: In this modern technology era, typing plays a significant role in every person’s day to day life. Typing with “Qwerty Keyboard” is a quite easy task when compared with earlier typewriters. If you are like me an acer laptop user. You probally faced this problem. Where there is no indicator LED on the laptop the tell you whether the caps lock and num lock are on or off. Caps Lock Indicator software offers two Caps Lock state indicators: Tray Icon and On-Screen Floating Text. Bring back 'Start' menu for Windows 8/8.1 and advanced start menu for Windows XP.

Hi Miguel,

Show Cap Lock Indicator

Num lock indicator windows 10

Visual Caps Lock Indicator Windows 10

Thank you for being part of the Windows 10 family.

Sorry to know that you are facing issues with Windows 10.

In order to help you better, please provide the information:

When you say that ' CAPS LOCK indicator feature ', are you referring to the Caps lock indicator or Caps key which have shine light when pressed?

If so, then yes Caps lock indicator feature is available by default and it will be there in Windows 10.

Reply to us with the information, so that we can assist you better.

Get back to us if you need any further assistance on Windows related issues and we will be glad to help.

That was very unhelpful !!! Many devices do not have a Cap Lock, or Num Lock or Scroll Lock indicator anymore. Shame on them but it is something you don't think of until after you buy the machine.

Not sure what device MiguelRecalde

Caps Lock Indicator Windows 10 Acer Aspire

has ... but I have an Asus and I have the same problem. The Caps Lock key does not light up and there is no indicator on the screen anywhere. This makes 'hidden' password entry difficult. Most sign on pages do NOT tell you when Caps are on.

Capital Lock Indicator Windows 10 Missing

So answer the question if you are an engineer. Quit being sorry and asking stupid questions. Tell us how to find and turn on the Cap Lock indicator in Windows 10 or tell us there is not one or tell give us Microsoft safe download to install one. All Cortana could do was direct me to this forum. That is one useless application. Just give us what we ask for.